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Pop up ads!

Damn I hate pop up ads. Nothing is more irritating than stumbling around the net and having a pop up ad cover the page that you want to view. What really sucks is that most of the ads that pop up have nothing to do with the subject that you are wanting to view.

Even more irritating are the pop up ads from the website owner wanting me to buy his book, product or sign up for his newsletter before I have even had a chance to check out the site. How do I know if I want the crap you have to offer? Give me time to review your site.

Then you have the gall to ask us to give you a thumbs up, digg, or to follow you like a twit. Until you turn off the pop up ads all you will get from me is a big fat thumbs down.

So website operators, turn off the pop ups and give us all a break!

This is one irritating itch I would really love to scratch.

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